- Soroush Dabbagh
 - - Department of Western Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Tehran, Iran
Received: 7/1/2008 Accepted: 7/1/2008 - Publisher : Avicenna Research Institute |
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Introduction: Surrogate motherhood's moral justification entirely depends on the ethical theory, which is taken from the normative ethics. Deontologists do believe that surrogate motherhood is morally impermissible in the light of Kantian notion of human dignity. In contrast, consequen-tialists focus on the pleasure and the pain of an action in order to arrive at its badness or goodness, morally speaking. Materials & Methods: In this article, firstly, deontologists' argument in favor of the imper-missibility of surrogate motherhood is formulated. Then, in order to undermine deontolo-gists' argument and make surrogate motherhood plausible from moral viewpoint, some ideas are utilized from act utilitarianism. Conclusion: As far as surrogate motherhood is concerned, formation of an ethical committee, composed of a specialist in ethics, a physician, a psychologist, and a sociologist, is proposed in order to concretize act utilitarianism concepts.
Surrogate motherhood, Human dignity, Pain, Pleasure, Act utilitarianism To cite this article:References
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