Call for Peer Reviewers

Researchers scientific output needs critical assessment, validating and refinement before its publication, in order to produce high quality specialty journals as a tool to create a network and help create scientific dialogue and share feedback among researchers, specialists and committed groups. On the other hand, the bulk of information produced is beyond the capabilities of one or a limited number of editors. Therefore, the Journal of Reproduction & Infertility, which is an open access quarterly and publishes original papers, review articles, etc, relies on the expert opinion of peer reviewers like you to accomplish this mission.
The peer-reviewers usually handle three manuscripts or full papers per annum and provide expert opinion for suggesting manuscripts suitable for publishing to the editor-in-chief, suggest other appropriate referees in the related field, read revised manuscripts till it attains a decent format and content and help the editor-in-chief in decision making by making recommendations. All these will be most helpful if deadlines set by the author based on the importance of the issue are observed.
Before sending a paper for reviewing, we always send a letter to ask for permission to do so.
To get more information about peer reviewers of the journal, please contact Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, (Ph.D.), the journal’s editor-in-chief, at sadeghi@avicenna.ac.ir.
Sending a CV or a résumé will help the editorial board with their selection.

The following Form is to be filled:


Educational background 
Have you ever worked as a peer-reviewer before?  
If yes, please explain which journal(s), what duration, etc:
Field(s) of interest (Please tick your most favorite items for peer-reviewing):

Maximum number of papers you wish to peer-review annually
Postal address: 

The completed forms sent to the journal will be processed by the editorial board and you understandably agree that filling out the form and sending it does not necessarily guarantee acceptance as a peer reviewer. Processing may take some time; therefore, it should not be cause of concern.



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©2025 - eISSN : 2251-676X, ISSN : 2228-5482, For any comments and questions please contact us.