Articles Collections of Intra uterine insemination Keyword

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Number of Articles: 11
Effects of sperm morphology on pregnancy rate in IUI cycles

Sedigheh Esmaeilzadeh, Mehrdad Farsi, Ali Bijany

Sex selection by using albumin gradient technique for sperm separation in IUI cycles

Mohammad Ali Khalili, Behnaz Khani, Shokoofeh Baghazadeh, Nasim Tabibnejad

Comparing 17α–hydroxyprogesterone caproate and progesterone in oil for luteal phase support in IUI cycles

Nayereh Khadem, Masoumeh Anbar Looii

Comparing the Effects of Clomiphene-HMG and Letrozole-HMG on Ovulation Induction in Infertile Women

Shirin Ghazizadeh, Mehran Amooei, Maryam Bagheri, Maryam Ghelichkhani, Masoomeh Masoomi

Impact of cognitive behaviour therapy on anxiety level of primary infertile women undergoing IUI

Parvaneh Heidari, Robab Latifnejad, Ali Sahebi, Monireh Jahaniyan, Seyyed Reza Mazloum

Modulating the antiestrogenic effects of clomiphene citrate by ethinyl estradiol in patients undergoing intrauterine insemination

Nayereh Khadem, Parisa Ensafi

Original Article
Pregnancy Predictors after Intrauterine Insemination: Analysis of 3012 Cycles in 1201 Couples

Macizo Soria, Gálvez Pradillo, Jorquera García, Peinado Ramón, Alvarez Castillo, Canteras Jordana, Parrilla Paricio

Original Article
Accurate Diagnosis as a Prognostic Factor in Intrauterine Insemination Treatment of Infertile Saudi Patients

Ahmed Mostafa Isa, Basim Abu-Rafea, Saleh Ahmed Alasiri, Johara Al-Mutawa, Saleh Binsaleh, Sameera Al-Saif, Aisha Al-Saqer

Original Article
Can Hyaluronan Binding Assay Predict the Outcome of Intrauterine Insemination in Couples with Unexplained or Mild Male Factor Infertility?

Melahat Yildirim, Candan Iltemir Duvan, Aslihan Pekel, Aylin Ayrim, Hasan Kafali

Original Article
Certain Less Invasive Infertility Treatments Associated with Different Levels of Pregnancy-Related Anxiety in Pregnancies Conceived via In Vitro Fertilization

Eleanor Lowndes Stevenson, Richard Sloane

Original Article
Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation with Intrauterine Insemination Is More Successful After r-hCG Administration Than Spontaneous LH Surge

Evan Taerk, Edward Hughes, Cassandra Greenberg, Michael Neal, Shilpa Amin, Mehrnoosh Faghih, Megan Karnis


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