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Number of Articles: 10
Knowledge of women working in Hospitals of Lorestan Medical Sciences University about smoking effects on fertility

Soheila Akbari, Sepideh Vahabi, Amir Hooman Kazemi

Knowledge, attitude and practice of Afghan refugee women residing in Zahedan about family planning

Fatemeh Rakhshani, Alireza Ansari Moghaddam, Abdolfahim Hor

Effects of group counseling program with women on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) of their husbands regarding family Planning in Zahedan health centers in 2002

Fereshteh Najafi, Fazlollah Ghofranipour, Fatemeh Rakhshani, Anooshirvan Kazemnejad

Reproductive Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Tehranian adolescent boys aged 15-18 years, 2002

Mohammad Reza Mohammadi, Kazem Mohammad, Farideh Khalajabadi Farahani, Siamak Alikhani, Mohammad Zare, Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, Ali Ramezankhani, Farshid Zare, Alireza Hasan Zadeh, Mehdi Salehi Fard

Comparing the effect of peer-led versus adult-led AIDS education on knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy of female students in high schools in 4th region of education ministry in Tehran, using socio-cognitive theory, 2002-2003

Farideh Khalajabadi Farahani, Farbod Ebadifar Azar

Comparison of knowledge, attitude and other related factors to sterilization between sterilization method users and contraceptive methods users in Hamedan city in 2003

Giti Ozgoli, Mahbobeh Ahmadi, Shadi Goli, Alireza Akbarzadeh Baghban

Survey of women’s knowledge, Attitude and practice regarding prevention of common genital tract infection in Kerman health care centers in 2003

Jamileh Farrokhzadian, Shahnaz Zoherekermany, Sakineh Sabzevari, Nozar Nakhei

Evaluating knowledge, attitude and behavior of women on reproductive health subjects in seven central cities of Iran

Seyyed Saeed Mazloomy Mahmood-Abad, Fatemeh Shahidi, Masoumeh Abbasi-Shavazi, Fatemeh Shahrizadeh

Original Article
Kenowlege and practice of Iranian women toward cervical cancer

Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, Kazem Mohammad, Mehdi Rahgozar, Mohsen Naghavi

Original Article
Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS: Do Iranian Pregnant Mothers Know about it?

Madjid Tarahomi, Farhad Yaghmaie, Sorour Asadi, Soheila Asgari, Farnaz Fatemi, Hojjat Zeraati, Leili Chamani Tabriz


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