Articles Collections of In Vitro fertilization Keyword

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Number of Articles: 16
The effect of bacterial flora of cervical canal on fertility outcome in patients referring to Isfahan fertility and infertility center

Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani, Seyyed Ali Fazeli, Fariborz Kianpoor, Seyyed Akbar Tabibian, Seyyed Mehdi Ahmadi, Seyyed Asadollah Kalantari

Correlation between in vitro fertilization with the level of antisperm antibody in seminal plasma measured by flow cytometry

Abbas Rezai, Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani, Minoo Adib, Farhad Shahsavar, Farzad Oreizi

Comparison of pregnancy rate following oocyte donation in recipients with and without ovarian function in IVF cycles

Ensieh Sh.Tehrani, Batool Hossein Rashidi, Mahnaz Ashrafi, Nili Mehrdad

Intrafollicular fluid antigamete antibodies in infertile patient candidates for ICSI

Soheila Arefi, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Mahnaz Heidari, Asghar Talebian, Ali Ahmad Bayat, Ali Sadeghpour Tabaei

Surrogacy and the Necessity for its Application in Infertility Treatment

Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Zohreh Behjati Ardakani

Semen Analysis and In Vitro Fertilization Cycle Outcome in Polyzoospermia

Fatemeh Haji- Maghsoudi, Morteza Anvari, Mohammad Ali Khalili

Therapeutic Effects of Heparin on Repeated Implantation Failures in IVF Cycles;A Randomized Clinical Trial

Leili Safdarian, Elham Kheirollahi, Ashraf Alyasin, Marzieh Agha Hossinei, Hodjatallah Saeidi

Effects of Ovulation Induction and Ovarian Puncture on CRP Levels in Subjects Undergoing IVF/ICSI

Soheila Arefi, Mohammad Babashamsi, Pouneh Shariatpanahi, Elham Savadi-Shiraz

Association between Infertile Women’s Anxiety with ART Success Rates

Masumeh Simbar, Somayeh Hashemi, Jamal Shams, Hamid Alavimajd

Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) on Oocyte Quality and Fertilization Rate in Mice

Fatemeh Haji- Maghsoudi, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Ali Karimzade

Original Article
Down-regulation of HLA-G Attenuates Cleavage Rate in Human Triploid Embryos

Li Li Sun, Ai Ming Wang, Christopher J Haines, Yibing Han, Yuan Qing Yao

Short Communication
Effects of Vitrification on Immature and in vitro Matured, Denuded and Cumulus Compact Goat Oocytes and their Subsequent Fertilization

Govind Narayan Purohit, Harikesh Meena, Kanika Solanki

Original Article
Using Fresh and Frozen Testicular Sperm Samples in Couples Undergoing ICSI-Micro TESE Treatment

Safak Tavukcuoglu, Tahani Al-Azawi, Safaa Al-Hassani, Amir Afshin Khaki, Arash Khaki, Seval Tasdemir

Original Article
Efficacy of Combined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring Versus Oral Contraceptive Pills in Achieving Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Suppression in Egg Donor In Vitro Fertilization Cycles

Robin Lynn Thomas, Lisa Marie Halvorson, Bruce Richard Carr, Kathleen Marie Doody, Kevin John Doody

Review Article
Recurrent Implantation Failure: The Role of the Endometrium

Tanya Timeva, Atanas Shterev, Stanimir Kyurkchiev

Original Article
Certain Less Invasive Infertility Treatments Associated with Different Levels of Pregnancy-Related Anxiety in Pregnancies Conceived via In Vitro Fertilization

Eleanor Lowndes Stevenson, Richard Sloane


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