Articles Collections of ELISA Keyword

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Number of Articles: 7
Designing an ELISA method using sperm surface antigens for detection of antisperm antibody in comparison with SpermMar test

Asghar Talebian, Amir Hassan Zarnani, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Mahmoud Jalali, Mohammad Reza Sadeghi

Comparing serum IgG titers against Chlamydia pneumoniae in patients with early and late-onset pre-eclampsia and healthy individuals

Mojgan Mokhtari, Minoo Yaghmaei, Mehrbod Karimi, Masoud Roodbari, Hamid Reza Koohpaye

Detection of Legionella pneumophila by nested PCR-RFLP and ELISA on urine specimens of pregnant women with respiratory infections

Leili Chamani Tabriz, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Shila Motahari, Hojjat Zeraati, Soheila Asgari, Mohammad Karegar, Mahyar Ostad Karampour

Detection of Legionella pneumophila by nested PCR-RFLP and ELISA on urine specimens of pregnant women with respiratory infections

Leili Chamani Tabriz, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Shila Motahari, Hojjat Zeraati, Soheila Asgari, Mohammad Karegar, Mahyar Ostad Karampour

Original Article
Serum Leptin Levels in Women with Immunological Recurrent Abortion

Saeed Zarei, Haleh Soltanghoraee, Afsaneh Mohammadzadeh, Soheila Arefi, Amir Hassan Zarnani, Farah Idali, Banafsheh Tavangar, Elham Savadi-Shiraz, Narges Moshref Behzad, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani

The Relationship between Soluble Serum HLA-G and ICSI Success Rates

Zahra Alinejad, Reza Jafarishekib, Fatemeh Yari, Ziba Zahiri, Kambiz Forghan-parast, Zahra Atrkar Roushan, Farangis Nagafi

Original Article
The Association of Soluble VEGFR-1 Serum Level and Genetic (rs7993418) Polymorphism with In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Outcome in the Population of Northern Iran

Sadegheh Moeinfar, Farhad Mashayekhi, Mohammad Hadi Bahadori, Roya Faraji, Zivar Salehi


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