Articles Collections of رحم جايگزين Keyword

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Number of Articles: 16
Consultations and Health Assessments in Surrogacy

Zohreh Behjati Ardakani, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Farhad Yaghmaie, Ali Reza Milanifar

As loving the child; Surrogacy from a Jurisprudential Perspective

Hassan Jafaritabar

Openness about a Child's Origins in Surrogacy in Comparison with Adoption & ART

Behzad Ghorbani, Zohreh Behjati Ardakani

Perspectives and Challenges of Surrogacy in Iran

Hamid Yousefi, Shahrbanou Ghahari

Surrogacy: Medicalization of Motherhood

Mahmood Ghazi Tabatabaie, Abu Ali Vedadhir

Civil Responsibility in Surrogacy

Habib Allah Rahimi

Surrogacy Contracts in the Iranian Law

Seyed Morteza Qasemzadeh

Issuing Birth Certificates and ID Cards for Newborns Following a Surrogate Birth and the Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of the Medical Team

Ali Reza Milanifar, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Zohreh Behjati Ardakani, Azadeh Abdolahzadeh

Third Party Rights in Surrogate Mother Contracts

Gholamali Seifi

Surrogacy and the Necessity for its Application in Infertility Treatment

Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Zohreh Behjati Ardakani

Jurisprudential Laws of Relationship Regarding Infants Born via Surrogacy

Hossein Naseri Moghadam

Ethical Assessment of Monetary Relationship in Surrogacy

Kiyarash Aramesh

Psychological Aspects of Surrogate Motherhood

Zahra Fazli Khalaf, Abdollah Shafiabadi, Madjid Tarahomi

Gestational Surrogacy in Iran

Shirin Garmaroudi

The Need for Counseling Surrogate Mothers before Practicing Surrogacy

Monir Pashmi, Seyed Ahmad Ahmadi, Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Tabatabaie

Comparing the Iranian Surrogacy Law and the Gestational Surrogacy Act of Illinois

Omid Asemani, Mohammad Emami


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