Articles Collections of Follicular fluid Keyword

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Number of Articles: 7
Original Article
Serum and follicular fluid IL-6 and sex steroid hormone levels and their correlation of undergoing IVF-ET with endometriosis and pregnancy rate in women

Mohammad Nouri, Maerefat Ghaffari, Ali Salmasi, Alieh Ghasemzadeh

Intrafollicular fluid antigamete antibodies in infertile patient candidates for ICSI

Soheila Arefi, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Mahnaz Heidari, Asghar Talebian, Ali Ahmad Bayat, Ali Sadeghpour Tabaei

The relationship between size of normal and cystic bovine ovarian follicles with follicular fluid levels of nitric oxide and estradiol

Hamid Reza Khodaei, Seyyed Mehdi Ghoreishi, Hossein Hejazi

Original Article
Effect of human follicular fluid on implantation of mouse embryo

Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani, Abbas Rezai, Mohammad Mardani, Elham Yousefian, Felora Khosravi

Original Article
Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 and 9 in Follicular Fluid and Seminal Plasma and Its Relation to Embryo Quality and Fertilization Rate

Mojgan Atabakhsh, Iraj Khodadadi, Iraj Amiri, Hossain Mahjub, Haidar Tavilani

Original Article
NUCB2/Nesfatin-1 in the Blood and Follicular Fluid in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Poor Ovarian Response

Zekiye Catak, Seyda Yavuzkir, Esra Kocdemir, Kader Ugur, Meltem Yardim, İbrahim Sahin, Esra Piril Agirbas, Suleyman Aydin

Original Article
Comparison of Follicular Fluid Paraoxonase 3 Level, Ovarian Hormones and Oocyte Quality between Fertile and Infertile Women

Sima Janati, Mohammad Amin Behmanesh, Hosein Najafzadehvarzi, Boshra Nezami, Seyedeh Mahsa Poormoosavi


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