Articles Collections of Ovulation induction Keyword

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Number of Articles: 10
Original Article
Incidence and growth of uterine myoma after ovulation induction on 1100 infertile women in shahid Akbarabadi Hospital and Royan Institute

Mahnaz Ashrafi, Masoumeh Sadeghi, Zohreh Montazeri, Shahram Tavajjohi

Original Article
Relationship between number of antral follicle and ovarian volume and responsivness to induction ovulation

Nozzhat Mousavifar, Leili Hafizi

Comparing the effect of low dose HMG plus metformin and low dose HMG in PCOS patients resistant to Clomiphene citrate

Tahereh Nazari, Mahmoud Haji Ahmadi, Mahtab Zeinalzadeh, Sedigheh Esmaeilzadeh, Maryam Gholizadeh, Mehrangiz Baleggi

Evaluating two methods of step-down and fixed-dose regimens of hMG administration in infertile women undergoing ZIFT treatment

Marjan Firoozeh, Leili Safdarian

Evaluation of acid phosphatase activity alterations in mouse ovary after ovarian hyperstimulation in early stages of pseudo and normal pregnancies until implantation time

Maryam Nazm Bojnordi, Mojdeh Salehnia, Abdolamir Allameh

The relationship between estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphism and ovarian response to ovulation induction in women under IVF treatment

Mohammad Hasan Sheikhha, Seyyed Mehdi Kalantar, Abbas Aflatoonian

Comparing the Effects of Clomiphene-HMG and Letrozole-HMG on Ovulation Induction in Infertile Women

Shirin Ghazizadeh, Mehran Amooei, Maryam Bagheri, Maryam Ghelichkhani, Masoomeh Masoomi

Role of serum ßHCG measurement in prediction of Empty Follicle Syndrome

Mahnaz Ashrafi, Tahereh Madani, Jila Ahmady

Original Article
Comparison of Letrozole versus Tamoxifen Effects in Clomiphen Citrate Resistant Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Mohamed Nabih EL-Gharib, Amal Elsayed Mahfouz, Manal Abdelraouf Farahat

Original Article
Comparison of Tamoxifen and Clomiphene Citrate for Ovulation Induction in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Prospective Study

Sangita Sharma, Manisha Choudhary, Vikas Swarankar, Vaibhav Vaishnav


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