Articles Collections of Anxiety Keyword

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Number of Articles: 9
Impact of cognitive behaviour therapy on anxiety level of primary infertile women undergoing IUI

Parvaneh Heidari, Robab Latifnejad, Ali Sahebi, Monireh Jahaniyan, Seyyed Reza Mazloum

Effect of massage on reducing pain and anxiety during labour

Motahareh Pilevarzadeh, Saadat Salari, Nematollah Shafiei

Effect of behavioral-cognitive education on reduction of anxiety in women with primary infertility who undergo GIFT and ZIFT

Vajiheh Gharaie, Mohammad Ali Mazaheri, Ali Sahebi, Sepideh Peivandi, Marzieh Agha Hossinei

Attitude towards infertility and its relation to depression and anxiety in infertile couples

Parisa Nilforooshan, Seyed Ahmad Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza Abedi, Seyyed Mehdi Ahmadi

Post-sterilization regret rate in sterilized women referring to Tabriz health centers

Roghayeh Noorizadeh, Reyhaneh Ivanbagha, Fatemeh Ranjbar Koochaksariie, Mohammad Zakaria Pezeshki

Mental Health Status of Patients Attending Avicenna Infertility Clinic

Zohreh Behjati Ardakani, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Kourosh Kamali, Zahra Fazli Khalaf, Shomeiseh Eskandari, Behzad Ghorbani

Comparing Anxiety, Depression and Sexual Life Satisfaction in Two Groups of Fertile and Infertile Women in Tehran

Leila Faal Kalkhoran, Hadi Bahrami, Noor Ali Farrokhi, Hojjat Zeraati, Madjid Tarahomi

Short Communication
Psychological Distress in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome from Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran

Farideh Zafari Zangeneh, Mina Jafarabadi, Mohammad Mehdi Naghizadeh, Nasrin Abedi-Nia, Fedyeh Haghollahi

Original Article
The Experience of Dutch Women Using a Coping Intervention for Oocyte Retrieval: A Qualitative Study

Henrietta D.L. Ockhuijsen, Ida Ophorst, Agnes Van Den Hoogen


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