Articles Collection of Khalili , Mohammad Ali

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Number of Articles: 17
Original Article
Comparison of the Efficiency of Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) and Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (PICSI) for Sperm Selection in Cases with Unexplained Infertility

Alireza Ahmadi, Aligholi Sobhani, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Azam Agha-Rahimi, Ali Nabi, Necati Findikli

Original Article
The Determination of Estradiol to Cumulus Oocyte Complex (COC) Number Ratio: Does it Predict the Outcomes of ART Cycles?

Fatemeh Taheri, Marjan Omidi, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Azam Agha-Rahimi, Mojdeh Sabour, Azita Faramarzi, Esmat Mangoli

Systematic Review
The Beneficial Role of Intra Cytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) in Assisted Reproduction

Esmat Mangoli, Mohammad Ali Khalili

Original Article
Vitrification Increased Vacuolization of Human Spermatozoa: Application of MSOME Technology

Sara Taherzadeh, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Azam Agha-Rahimi, Fatemeh Anbari, Shahin Ghazali, Guido Macchiarelli

Original Article
Survival Assessment of Mouse Preimplantation Embryos After Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation

Fereshteh Safian, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Arezoo Khoradmehr, Fatemeh Anbari, Saeedeh Soltani, Iman Halvaei

Original Article
Zoroastrians Support Oocyte and Embryo Donation Program for Infertile Couples

Iman Halvaei, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Saeed Ghasemi-Esmailabad, Ali Nabi, Farimah Shamsi

Original Article
Comparing the Roles of Sperm Chromatin Integrity and Apoptosis in Intrauterine Insemination Outcomes of Couples with Mild Male and Female Factor Infertility

Mohammad Ali Khalili, Saeedeh Nazari, Razieh Dehghani-Firouzabadi, Alireza Talebi, Shekofeh Baghazadeh-Naeini, Fatemeh Sadeghian-Nodoshan, Azam Agha-Rahimi

Quality Control of Disposable Objects in ART Laboratories Performing Human Sperm Motility Assays

Sare Ashourzadeh, Azam Agha-Rahimi, Mohammad Ali Khalili

Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) on Oocyte Quality and Fertilization Rate in Mice

Fatemeh Haji- Maghsoudi, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Ali Karimzade

Semen Analysis and In Vitro Fertilization Cycle Outcome in Polyzoospermia

Fatemeh Haji- Maghsoudi, Morteza Anvari, Mohammad Ali Khalili

Sex selection by using albumin gradient technique for sperm separation in IUI cycles

Mohammad Ali Khalili, Behnaz Khani, Shokoofeh Baghazadeh, Nasim Tabibnejad

Complete Oocyte Maturation Arrest in ART Cycles

Fatemeh Haji- Maghsoudi, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Abbas Aflatoonian

The effect of chronic spinal cord injury on chromatin and DNA integrity of spermatozoa aspirated from epididymis of Rat

Alireza Talebi, Ahmad Hossaini, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Yousef Sadeghi, Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani

Correlation between asymptomatic urethritis with bacteriospermia in seminal plasma of fertile and infertile men

Mohammad Bagher Khalili, Mohammad Ali Khalili

Original Article
Relation between histology of testicular biopsy and level of sex hormones in infertile men with non-obstructive azoospermia

Mohammad Reza Moein, Mohammad Ali Khalili

The Effect of repeated percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration on sperm parameters of azoospermic patients

Serajoddin Vahidi, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Mojtaba Galebi

The effect of pentoxifytline on motility and morphology of spermatozoa from epididymal and testicular samples of infertile men

Mohammad Ali Khalili, Serajoddin Vahidi


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