Articles Collections of Sex hormone Keyword

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Number of Articles: 8
Original Article
Serum and follicular fluid IL-6 and sex steroid hormone levels and their correlation of undergoing IVF-ET with endometriosis and pregnancy rate in women

Mohammad Nouri, Maerefat Ghaffari, Ali Salmasi, Alieh Ghasemzadeh

Original Article
Sex hormones, leptin and anthropometric indices in men

Mohsen Maddah, Abolghasem Jazayery, Reyhan Mirdamadi, Mohammad Reza Eshraghiyan, Mahmoud Jalali

Original Article
Idiopathic Hirsutism or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Shayesteh Jahanfar, John Aden

Central obesity in women and its association with serum level of testosterone and estradiol

Mohsen Maddah, Abolghasem Jazayery, Reyhan Mirdamadi, Mohammad Reza Eshraghiyan

Effects of Spironolactone on Pituitary-Gonadal Axis Hormones in Adult Female Rats

Farhad Moradi, Akbar Zeraatpishe, Mehrdad Shariati, Mokhtar Mokhtari

Original Article
Relation between histology of testicular biopsy and level of sex hormones in infertile men with non-obstructive azoospermia

Mohammad Reza Moein, Mohammad Ali Khalili

Effects of Endosulfan on the Reproductive Parameters of Male Rats

Mehrdad Modaresi, Mohammad Reza Seif

Original Article
Male Sexual Dysfunction, Leptin, Pituitary and Gonadal Hormones in Nigerian Males with Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Unyime Aniekpon Fabian, Mabel Ayebatonyo Charles-Davies, Adesoji Adedipe Fasamade, John Ayodele Olaniyi, Oyediran Emmanuel Oyewole, Mayowa Ojo Owolabi, Jane Roli Adebusuyi, Olufunke Olayemi Hassan, Babatunde Mohammad Ajobo, Maria Onomhaguan Ebesunun, Kehinde Adigun, Kehinde Sola Akilade, Oltubosun Ganiyu Arinola, Emmanuel Oluyemi Agbedana


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