Articles Collections of Depression Keyword

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Number of Articles: 9
Evaluation of depression after tubal ligation

Ali Firouzabadi, Ahmad Noori, Hamid Naseri

Attitude towards infertility and its relation to depression and anxiety in infertile couples

Parisa Nilforooshan, Seyed Ahmad Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza Abedi, Seyyed Mehdi Ahmadi

Original Article
Comparing depression and sexual satisfaction in fertile and infertile couples

Nasim Bahrami, Niloofar Sattarzadeh, Fatemeh Ranjbar Koochaksariie, Morteza Ghojazadeh

Post-sterilization regret rate in sterilized women referring to Tabriz health centers

Roghayeh Noorizadeh, Reyhaneh Ivanbagha, Fatemeh Ranjbar Koochaksariie, Mohammad Zakaria Pezeshki

Original Article
Psychosexual and depression disorders in infertile female referring to Mashhad Infertility Treatment Center

Mohammad Reza Sargolzaee, Fatemeh Moharreri, Hamid Reza Arshadi, Kamran Javadi, Shapour Karimi, Mohammad Reza Fayyazi-bordbar

Mental Health Status of Patients Attending Avicenna Infertility Clinic

Zohreh Behjati Ardakani, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Kourosh Kamali, Zahra Fazli Khalaf, Shomeiseh Eskandari, Behzad Ghorbani

Original Article
The Role of Religious Coping Strategies in Predicting Depression among a Sample of Women with Fertility Problems in Shiraz

Abdulaziz Aflakseir, Mansoureh Mahdiyar

Original Article
Study of Relationship Between Mode of Conception and Non-Specific Psychological Distress in Women Undergoing Noninvasive Prenatal Testing

Nobuhiro Suzumori, Eri Takeda, Takeshi Ebara, Kyoko Kumagai, Yuki Sawada, Mayumi Sugiura-Ogasawara

Short Communication
Depression Among Infertile Men in the Gaza Strip, Palestine: The Neglected Aspect of Fertility Care

Suha Baloushah, Aymen Elsous, Soha Abu Eid, Hanan Zaqou, Fatima Muhammad Ibrahim, Mohammed Abu Shawish


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