Articles Collections of Azoospermia Keyword

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Number of Articles: 18
The Effect of repeated percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration on sperm parameters of azoospermic patients

Serajoddin Vahidi, Mohammad Ali Khalili, Mojtaba Galebi

Antisperm antibody detection in serum and semen of infertile men for prediction the outcome of testicular sperm extraction

Seyyed Mohammad Kazemeyni, Mohammad Ali Sedighi, Farid Dadkhah, Hossein Hadi Nadooshan

Expression of Synaptonemal Complex Protein 3 (SYCP3) mRNA in the testis: a molecular marker for spermatogenesis in azoospermic men

Mahmood Aarabi, Haleh Soltanghoraee, Mohsen Aarabi, Reza Behjati Ardakani, Naser Amirjannati, Maerefat Ghaffari, Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, Mohammad Hossein Modarresi

Testis Specific Gene 10 expression in the testes of patients with non-obstructive azoospermia

Mahmood Aarabi, Haleh Soltanghoraee, Naser Amirjannati, Maerefat Ghaffari, Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Mohammad Hossein Modarresi

The role of laparoscopy in the management of azoospermic men with Non-palpable testis

Naser Amirjannati, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Hooman Sadri-Ardekani, Haleh Soltanghoraee, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Mohammad Hossein Modarresi

An Ultrastructural Study on the Apoptotic Features of Spermatogenic Cells following Busulfan Treatment in Adult Mice

Fahimeh Mohammadghasemi, Jafar Soleimanirad, Ahmad Ali Ghanbari

Stimulatory Effects of Estradiol and FSH on the Restoration of Spermatogenesis in Azoospermic Mice

Arefeh Jafarian, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Nooshabeh Pezhhan, Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, Amir Hassan Zarnani, Sheida Salehkhou

Sexual and Hormonal Profiles of Infertile Subjects with Non-Obstructive Azoospermia

Naser Amirjannati, Behzad Ghorbani, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Haleh Soltanghoraee

Original Article
Comparing Seminal Plasma Biomarkers between Normospermic and Azoospermic Men

Soudabeh Sabetian, Ali M Ardekani, Mahshid Hodjat, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Haleh Soltanghoraee, Naser Amirjannati, Niknam Lakpour, Mohammad Reza Sadeghi

Evaluating Y Chromosome Microdeletions in Infertile Men with Severe Oligozoospermia or Azoospermia at Imam Reza Hospital In Meshad

Maliheh Keshvari Shirvan, Rahim Taghavi Razavizadeh, Hami Ashraf

Original Article
Frequency of Y Chromosome Microdeletions Among Iranian Infertile Men with Azoospermia and Severe Oligozoospermia: A Meta-analysis

Ehsan Yousefi-Razin, Mohammad Javad Nasiri, Mir Davood Omrani

Case Report
Patient with Disorders of Sex Development (DSD): A Case Report from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, India

Pongillyathundiyil Sasidharan Sreejith, Sheila Balakrishnan, Vaikom Hariharan Sankar, Remya Syamala, Reji Mohan, Sankar Sundaram, Krishna Govindan, Kaleeluvilayil Raghavan Nair Chandramohanan Nair

Case Report
A Novel Balanced Chromosomal Translocation in an Azoospermic Male: A Case Report

Abhik Chakraborty, Indira Palo, Souvick Roy, Shu Wen Koh, Manoor Prakash Hande, Birendranath Banerjee

Mini-Review Article
Sperm Retrieval in Non-azoospermic Patients with Persistent Ejaculation Dysfunction

Hamed Akhavizadegan, Mohammad Ali Sadighi Gilani, Naser Amirjannati, Mahnaz Heidari

Original Article
Therapeutic Effects of Edaravone on Azoospermia: Free Radical Scavenging and Autophagy Modulation in Testicular Tissue of Mice

Mahsa Ghafari Novi, Mohammadamin Sabbagh Alvani, Mohammadreza Mafi Balani, Abbas Aliaghaei, Azar Afshar, Fakhroddin Aghajanpour, Reza Soltani, Maryam Salimi, Ahad Hasan Syed Hasani, Shabnam Abdi, Mohammad-Amin Abdollahifar, Pourya Raee

Original Article
Testicular Sperm Extraction and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in Management of Obstructive Azoospermia: A Two-Year Multicenter Review in Ghana

Promise E Sefogah, Alim Swarray-Deen, Edem K Hiadzi, Rudolph K Adageba, Nana Essuman Oduro, Hanson G Nuamah, Mercy A Nuamah

Short Communication
Apparent Homozygosity for a gr/gr AZFc Deletion in A 47,XYY Man with Oligozoospermia and Secondary Infertility

David J Bunyan, Mili Saran, James I Hobbs, David J Anderson, Philippa J Duncan-Flavell, Rachel J Howarth, Jonathan L.A Callaway, James N MacPherson

Case Report
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis with 45,X/46,X,idic(Y)/46,XY Karyotype: A Case Report

Reshma Ammu Shetty, Deyyanthody Prashanth Shetty, Pooja Swaroop Kulshreshtha, Jayarama Shetty Kadandale


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